الموضوع: The true friend ship
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قديم منذ /07-12-2010, 09:23 PM   #1


BasKotaya ♥


 رقم العضوية : 51005
 تاريخ التسجيل : Jul 2010
 العمر : 30
 الجنس : ~ بنوتة
 المكان : egypt
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 الحكمة المفضلة : اليدُ التي تُنهضُكَ عند تعثرك...أصدقُ من ألف يدٍ تصافحكَ عند الوصول !
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79 19 

Talking The true friend ship

· Friends arescarce jewels.

· Friends are ready to hear you in any time you need them.

· Friends open their hearts for you.

· Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.

· Most people walk in and out of your life, but only friends leave footprints in your heart.

These words just are simple meanings of "Friend". And before I will talk about "Friend", I want to tell you the meaning of the True Friendship.

Nobody can deny the importance of true friendship nowadays. So we should put into consideration that we need to choose a true friend to make true friendship. So what true friendship means? I read many meanings of friendship, but I picked 2 meanings:

1/ Friendship is a wonderful relation that connects two persons with each other who have the same abilities.

2/ Friendship is a strong bond which joins between two persons on love, honesty, loyalty, understanding and devotion.

In my opinion, friendship can remain for long times if it was true and built on great morals and if we chose a good and true friend.

I have a nice friend, I love my friend, I spend my time with my friend. Every day when you go to school, you see many students but one of them is your close friend. And of course you tell her your secrets, preoccupations, feelings, problems, hobbies and most things that happened to you. However do you think your close friend is really nice, good and true friend, and she deserves to be your close friend? Maybe yes and maybe no, to make sure ask yourself these question.

First, who is a true friend?

True friend always stay with you through good time and through bad. She will spend her time to listen to you when something made you sad. She believes you when no one believes you. When you are feeling lonely, she will fill your time with enjoyment. She is happy for you, when good things come your way. She advises you if she saw your fault, and she encourages you if she saw good from you. She loves you in Allah. You will not be shame from being her friend. She helps you in any time without reward. She gives you her trust. She accepts your apologize. She supports you to worship Allah and do the right things. She is the mirror of yourself. She takes care of you. She corrects your mistake. She doesn't use bad words. She encourages you to study hard and get high marks. She respects you.

All of these phrases describe a true friend, but should all of them be in my friend to become a true friend? Absolutely not but most of them should be in her and if a few of them are in her, she isn't a true friend and she doesn't deserve your friendship.

After that, you will say "now I know who is a true friend, but how can I find her?" actually it's too difficult to find her, so I will tell you some of the rules that will help you to find a true friend:

1/ hard events show her love, honesty and feelings to you.

2/ She stays with you in your hardship times.

3/ She has lofty morals.

4/ You and she have the same hobbies.

5/ She supports you to achieve your goals.

6/ She respects you and your feelings, wishes and goals.

7/ She doesn't put you down.

These rules that I suggested, you can put other rules if you think they will be helpful and useful.
Finally, friendship is a great treasure and the most beautiful thing in the life. Every one need friend to make his life interesting, but good friend raises you up while bad one put you down. So you should choose your true and good friend very carefully.
Thank you for your reading

i hope like it
my regards :490:

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