عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم منذ /08-30-2010, 02:32 AM   #7

м a я a м

حُ ــلُمِى اّلـسَمَــاّءْ ︿


 رقم العضوية : 52304
 تاريخ التسجيل : Jul 2010
 العمر : 27
 الجنس : ~ بنوتة
 المكان : In my special World
 المشاركات : 5,555
 الحكمة المفضلة : اّحْمَد البَـلاّغَه الصَمْــتُ حْيّنَ لـاّ يَحْـسُن الكَـلـاّمْ
 النقاط : м a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond reputeм a я a м has a reputation beyond repute
 درجة التقييم : 127911
 قوة التقييم : 64

м a я a м غير متواجد حالياً

أوسمة العضو



اقتباسالمشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة RoNa el Totagood idea hun but i wanna know something
what's the ideas you wanna share with members
if you wanna say any new idea plz tell us so we can think about it with each other
w8 ya

We want to make known to the English Department in the forum
I was in a course to teach English, for example,
We run competitions and social groups
I hope to assume the English ********

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