..{ فع‘ــآآليـآآت المنتــدى }..

آخر 12 مواضيع
اليوم ٧اكتوبر ماذا بعد
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مَلْحَمَةُ الْحَنِينِ…
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واجب عزاء لاخونا كريم عاصم
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وجع لبنان
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الكاتـب : 7laa - آخر مشاركة : جعلوني تيتشرا - مشاركات : 12 -


English section Rules..plZ reaD befOre posting

قسم اللغات الأجنبية

موضوع مغلق
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قديم منذ /07-10-2011, 03:50 PM   #1


 رقم العضوية : 5603
 تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2008
 الجنس : ~ أنثى
 المكان : Cairo <3
 المشاركات : 6,199
 الحكمة المفضلة : ! you were born original , Do not die a copy
 النقاط : Rona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond reputeRona el Tota has a reputation beyond repute
 درجة التقييم : 6030
 قوة التقييم : 4

Rona el Tota غير متواجد حالياً

أوسمة العضو

433 432 

Thumbs up English section Rules..plZ reaD befOre posting

welcOme to the english section the place where you can share your thoughts,,opiniOns,,and ideas about various subjects in english
l a n g u a g e
throughout the topics
the english section rules will be clearly explained and i expect members to follow it

I'm your mate in the section and my main job is to maintain organizations and neatness in the section also i'm here to support you and solve any problem may occur

Before posting any topic please consider the following rules

1- make sure that the topic isn't REAPETED
Otherwise i will send it to the archive section

2- make sure you Don't post more than 2 tOpics a Day otherwise i'll Delete sOme of your topics
3-make sure you Don't write in CAPITAL unless one word or sentences
COZ some think that it's annoying
4- writing personal topic aBout specific persone or mudslinging a specific persone is forbidden

5-Don't write impolite words that contrast our Morals and religion

6-Don't put yOur E-mail address inside threads
7-Don't open a previous tOpics to keep the privacy of a writer
8-the topics must have a straight bond of english l a n g u a g e or foreign l a n g u a g e
9-the title shoud be clear and refers obviously to the topic
10-Don't put links of other forums

11-Before you create any topic make sure that:
Tidal or non-use of ornaments in the subject
For example: (new topic)
Right: new topic
Objective: To help spread your subject in the global search engines

Warning: If violated these instructions will lead to deletion of your topic

Allowed to transport but please change the subject and write your way transferred

If we notice the presence of the same title copied topic will be deleted

A word for the english section members
*topics and replies reflect its author personality sO be a good role mOdels for your mates that might follow your way
*english l a n g u a g e forum is the suitable place to
practice and benefit from english
you can learn l a n g u a g e only by practice

* it's not a shame to Do mistakes but it's to stop trying or to see mistakes and say nothing
* i hope you accepting comments from me or other members
*your comments prove your concern of this forum
*if there aNy note about the section's work-flowd Don't hesitate to report the administration
Hope your cooperatiOn

موضوع مغلق

الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
english, posting, read, rulesplz, section

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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
enGish sectiOn MaGazine <<cOme cOme Rona el Tota قسم اللغات الأجنبية 26 08-23-2014 02:29 PM
Honor the distinguished of the section 2 special girl قسم اللغات الأجنبية 26 08-23-2014 02:25 PM
( Honor the distinguished of the section 1 ( Renewed special girl قسم اللغات الأجنبية 15 02-28-2014 02:00 PM
How to reply in English section ..؟؟ الروح أرق من الندى قسم اللغات الأجنبية 15 05-18-2012 02:06 PM
لعبة Section 8 كامله للتحميل brae0000 العاب كمبيوتر - العاب فلاش جديده - تحميل العاب 2 09-11-2009 09:53 AM

الساعة الآن 05:07 AM

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